Fall 2017 Lab Retreat in West Virginia
Lab Principal Investigator and Director of SESYNC. [Full Curriculum Vitae PDF] [Twitter]
PhD candidate (2016- present) studying methane emissions from seasonally inundated forested wetlands. Interested in linking hydrology, biogeochemistry, and remote sensing. Kelly is also part of the data science team at SESYNC and a ROpenSci fellow. [Twitter] [Github] [Website] [Google Scholar]
PhD candidate (2014 - present) advised by Dr. Margaret Palmer and Dr. Michael Gonsior. Studying dissolved organic matter in the surface waters of freshwater depressional wetlands with a focus on how hydrologic connectivity in wetland ecosystems affects organic matter composition, reactivity, and export to other ecosystems.
MS student (2017 - present) co-advised by Dr. Kate Tully studying the effects of saltwater intrusion on crop survival and productivity and the storage of carbon in agricultural soils. Interested in biogeochemical cycling, hydropedology, and empowering communities to be involved in science and local issues. [Google Scholar]
MS student (2017 - present) advised by Dr. Margaret Palmer and Dr. Michael Williams. Studying soil carbon stabilization and greenhouse gas emissions in restored and natural wetlands. Interested in the ways that humans impact wetland ecosystems, and how environmental change manifests in the biogeochemical and ecological mechanisms that drive ecosystem functions and services.
MS student (2017- present) co-advised by Dr. Kate Tully studying mechanisms of carbon sequestration in wetland soils. Interested in biogeochemical transformations at terrestrial-aquatic interfaces and the influence of ecosystem function on water quality. [Twitter] [SESYNC GRA Profile][Linkedin]
Postdoctoral Fellow (2017 - present) focusing on hydrologic connectivity between depressional wetlands and downstream waters. More broadly, his research interests include material transport, ecological engineering design, and watershed management. [Twitter] [Google Scholar] [Research Gate] [Github]
Postdoctoral Fellow (2017 - present) examining the ecology of microorganisms and methane cycling transformations in freshwater wetland soils.