Palmer Lab at AGU
Seeing the forest for the trees: Using long-term observations from a forest biodiversity experiment to examine the effect of forest restoration and stand diversity on catchment hydrology.
- Nate Jones, Monday 13:40 - 18:00, Poster H13J-1868
Seasonal hydrologic connectivity and site-level differences influence wetland DOM composition and photoreactivity.
- Alec Armstrong, Tuesday 8:00AM to 12:20PM, Poster B21I-2449
Urban legacies: Aquatic stressors and low aquatic biodiversity persist despite implementation of stormwater control measures
- Rosemary Fanelli (now at USGS), Tuesday, 08:00 - 12:20, Poster H21O-1901
Environmental problems are social problems: Lessons learned from geoscience-social science collaborations
- Margaret Palmer (invited), Tuesday 13:44 - 13:47, eLightning Theater II
Hydrologic drivers of soil organic carbon stabilization in seasonally-saturated wetlands.
- Anna Kottkamp, Tuesday 13:40 to 18:00, Poster B23G-2594
Methane-cycling microbial communities vary along a hydrologic gradient in depressional freshwater wetland soils.
- Christine Maietta, Wednesday 13:40 to 18:00, Poster B33O-2885
Greenhouse gas fluxes in restored and natural freshwater depressional wetlands.
- Graham Stewart, Thursday 8:00 to 12:20, Poster B41E-2758
Farming carbon: the link between saltwater intrusion and carbon storage in coastal agricultural fields
- Elizabeth de la Reguera, Thursday 08:45 - 09:00, Session B41C in Room 147B
Scaling up field measurements of methane fluxes from forested wetlands using inundation time series.
- Kelly Hondula, Thursday 8:00 to 12:20, Poster B41G-2791
Geoscience Impact in a Complex World: Successful Collaboration with Social Scientists
- Margaret Palmer (convener), Session U52A in Room 202A, Friday 10:20 - 12:20
December 9, 2018