sites <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM odm2.samplingfeatures WHERE samplingfeaturetypecv = 'Site'")
samplingfeatureid samplingfeaturetypecv samplingfeaturecode samplingfeaturename samplingfeaturedescription
5 Site DB SC-E NA Survey point 3 measured on 3/13/18 as DB SC-E
6 Site DB SC-D NA Survey point 4 measured on 3/13/18 as DB SC-D
7 Site DB SC-C NA Survey point 5 measured on 3/13/18 as DB SC-C
8 Site DB SC-B NA Survey point 6 measured on 3/13/18 as DB SC-B
9 Site DB SC-A NA Survey point 7 measured on 3/13/18 as DB SC-A
10 Site DB AIK-E NA Survey point 8 measured on 3/13/18 as DB AIK-E
11 Site DB AIK-D NA Survey point 9 measured on 3/13/18 as DB AIK-D
12 Site DB AIK-C NA Survey point 10 measured on 3/13/18 as DB AIK-C
13 Site DB AIK-B NA Survey point 11 measured on 3/13/18 as DB AIK-B
14 Site DB AIK-A NA Survey point 12 measured on 3/13/18 as DB AIK-A
16 Site DB Wetland Outlet NA Survey point 29 measured on 3/13/18 as DB Wetland Outlet
18 Site TB Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 45 measured on 3/13/18 as TB Upland Well
19 Site TB AIK-E NA Survey point 46 measured on 3/13/18 as TB AIK-E
20 Site TB AIK-D NA Survey point 47 measured on 3/13/18 as TB AIK-D
21 Site TB AIK-C NA Survey point 48 measured on 3/13/18 as TB AIK-C
22 Site TB AIK-B NA Survey point 49 measured on 3/13/18 as TB AIK-B
23 Site TB AIK-A NA Survey point 50 measured on 3/13/18 as TB AIK-A
24 Site TB SC-A NA Survey point 51 measured on 3/13/18 as TB SC-A
25 Site TB SC-B NA Survey point 52 measured on 3/13/18 as TB SC-B
26 Site TB SC-C NA Survey point 53 measured on 3/13/18 as TB SC-C
27 Site TB SC-D NA Survey point 54 measured on 3/13/18 as TB SC-D
28 Site TB SC-E NA Survey point 55 measured on 3/13/18 as TB SC-E
29 Site TB Wetland Outlet 1 NA Survey point 63 measured on 3/13/18 as TB Wetland Outlet
30 Site TB Upland Well 2 NA Survey point 67 measured on 3/13/18 as TB Upland Well
31 Site TB Wetland Outlet 2 NA Survey point 76 measured on 3/13/18 as TB Wetland Outlet
32 Site TB Upland Well 3 NA Survey point 77 measured on 3/13/18 as TB Upland Well
34 Site NA Ditch T NA Survey point 89 measured on 3/13/18 as NA Ditch T
36 Site NA Tiger Paw - Flux Natural Merge NA Survey point 91 measured on 3/13/18 as NA Tiger Paw - Flux Natural Merge
38 Site FN Rain Gage NA Survey point 93 measured on 3/13/18 as FN Rain Gage
39 Site FN Flux Tower NA Survey point 94 measured on 3/13/18 as FN Flux Tower
40 Site NA TNC Deep Well 1 NA Survey point 95 measured on 3/13/18 as NA TNC Deep Well
42 Site NA TNC Deep Well 3 NA Survey point 97 measured on 3/13/18 as NA TNC Deep Well
43 Site NA Baby Head NA Survey point 98 measured on 3/13/18 as NA Baby Head
44 Site ND AIK-E NA Survey point 99 measured on 3/13/18 as ND AIK-E
45 Site ND AIK-D NA Survey point 100 measured on 3/13/18 as ND AIK-D
46 Site ND AIK-C NA Survey point 101 measured on 3/13/18 as ND AIK-C
47 Site ND Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 102 measured on 3/13/18 as ND Upland Well
48 Site ND AIK-B NA Survey point 103 measured on 3/13/18 as ND AIK-B
49 Site ND AIK-A NA Survey point 104 measured on 3/13/18 as ND AIK-A
50 Site ND SC-E NA Survey point 105 measured on 3/13/18 as ND SC-E
51 Site ND SC-D NA Survey point 106 measured on 3/13/18 as ND SC-D
52 Site ND SC-C NA Survey point 107 measured on 3/13/18 as ND SC-C
53 Site ND SC-B NA Survey point 108 measured on 3/13/18 as ND SC-B
54 Site ND SC-A NA Survey point 109 measured on 3/13/18 as ND SC-A
56 Site ND Wetland Outlet NA Survey point 111 measured on 3/13/18 as ND Wetland Outlet
57 Site ND Upland Well 2 NA Survey point 112 measured on 3/13/18 as ND Upland Well
58 Site GN AIK-E NA Survey point 140 measured on 3/13/18 as GN AIK-E
60 Site GN AIK-D NA Survey point 142 measured on 3/13/18 as GN AIK-D
61 Site GN Greg SM (811) NA Survey point 143 measured on 3/13/18 as GN Greg SM (811)
62 Site GN AIK-C NA Survey point 144 measured on 3/13/18 as GN AIK-C
63 Site GN AIK-B NA Survey point 145 measured on 3/13/18 as GN AIK-B
15 Site DB Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 13 measured on 3/13/18 as DB Wetland Well
64 Site GN AIK-A NA Survey point 146 measured on 3/13/18 as GN AIK-A
65 Site GN Greg SM (816) NA Survey point 147 measured on 3/13/18 as GN Greg SM (816)
66 Site GN Wetland Outlet NA Survey point 148 measured on 3/13/18 as GN Wetland Outlet
67 Site GN Greg SM (812) NA Survey point 149 measured on 3/13/18 as GN Greg SM (812)
69 Site BB SC-E NA Survey point 153 measured on 3/14/18 as BB SC-E
70 Site BB SC-D NA Survey point 154 measured on 3/14/18 as BB SC-D
71 Site BB SC-B NA Survey point 155 measured on 3/14/18 as BB SC-B
72 Site BB SC-A NA Survey point 156 measured on 3/14/18 as BB SC-A
74 Site BB Wetland Outlet NA Survey point 162 measured on 3/14/18 as BB Wetland Outlet
76 Site GR Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 201 measured on 3/14/18 as GR Upland Well
77 Site GR Greg SM (810) NA Survey point 202 measured on 3/14/18 as GR Greg SM (810)
78 Site GR Greg SM (815) NA Survey point 203 measured on 3/14/18 as GR Greg SM (815)
79 Site GR Greg SM (809) 1 NA Survey point 204 measured on 3/14/18 as GR Greg SM (809)
80 Site GR Greg SM (809) 2 NA Survey point 205 measured on 3/14/18 as GR Greg SM (809)
81 Site GR Greg SM (807) NA Survey point 206 measured on 3/14/18 as GR Greg SM (807)
82 Site GR Upland Well 2 NA Survey point 207 measured on 3/14/18 as GR Upland Well
83 Site GR Barometric Logger NA Survey point 208 measured on 3/14/18 as GR Barometric Logger
84 Site GR Weather Station NA Survey point 210 measured on 3/14/18 as GR Weather Station
85 Site FR Flux Tower NA Survey point 211 measured on 3/14/18 as FR Flux Tower
87 Site GB Inlet NA Survey point 213 measured on 3/14/18 as GB Inlet
90 Site NB Wetland Outlet NA Survey point 217 measured on 3/15/18 as NB Wetland Outlet
91 Site JB Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 218 measured on 3/15/18 as JB Upland Well
93 Site JB Upland Well 2 NA Survey point 220 measured on 3/15/18 as JB Upland Well
94 Site JA/JB Merge NA Survey point 221 measured on 3/15/18 as JA/JB Merge
98 Site JB Wetland Outlet NA Survey point 225 measured on 3/15/18 as JB Wetland Outlet
99 Site JA Wetland Outlet NA Survey point 226 measured on 3/15/18 as JA Wetland Outlet
103 Site NS Wetland NA Survey point 230 measured on 3/15/18 as NS Wetland
106 Site DF Merge NA Survey point 233 measured on 3/15/18 as DF Merge
109 Site QB Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 236 measured on 3/15/18 as QB Upland Well
110 Site QB AIK-E NA Survey point 237 measured on 3/15/18 as QB AIK-E
111 Site QB AIK-D NA Survey point 238 measured on 3/15/18 as QB AIK-D
112 Site QB SC-E NA Survey point 239 measured on 3/15/18 as QB SC-E
113 Site QB AIK-C NA Survey point 240 measured on 3/15/18 as QB AIK-C
114 Site QB SC-D NA Survey point 241 measured on 3/15/18 as QB SC-D
115 Site QB AIK-B NA Survey point 242 measured on 3/15/18 as QB AIK-B
116 Site QB SC-C NA Survey point 243 measured on 3/15/18 as QB SC-C
117 Site QB SC-B NA Survey point 244 measured on 3/15/18 as QB SC-B
118 Site QB AIK-A NA Survey point 245 measured on 3/15/18 as QB AIK-A
119 Site QB SC-A NA Survey point 246 measured on 3/15/18 as QB SC-A
120 Site QB Wetland Outlet NA Survey point 269 measured on 3/15/18 as QB Wetland Outlet
122 Site QB Barometric Logger NA Survey point 271 measured on 3/15/18 as QB Barometric Logger
123 Site QB Upland Well 2 NA Survey point 272 measured on 3/15/18 as QB Upland Well
124 Site TI Wetland Well NA Survey point 292 measured on 3/15/18 as TI Wetland Well
125 Site TI Wetland Outlet NA Survey point 293 measured on 3/15/18 as TI Wetland Outlet
126 Site AP Alecs Pool NA Survey point 294 measured on 3/15/18 as AP Alecs Pool
128 Site NA California Row NA Survey point 296 measured on 3/15/18 as NA California Row
129 Site GP Ginnys Pond NA Survey point 297 measured on 3/15/18 as GP Ginnys Pond
130 Site DK Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 298 measured on 3/15/18 as DK Upland Well
131 Site DK SC-E NA Survey point 299 measured on 3/15/18 as DK SC-E
132 Site DK SC-D NA Survey point 300 measured on 3/15/18 as DK SC-D
133 Site DK SC-C NA Survey point 301 measured on 3/15/18 as DK SC-C
134 Site DK SC-B NA Survey point 302 measured on 3/15/18 as DK SC-B
135 Site DK SC-A NA Survey point 303 measured on 3/15/18 as DK SC-A
137 Site DK Upland Well 2 NA Survey point 305 measured on 3/15/18 as DK Upland Well
138 Site DK Outlet NA Survey point 306 measured on 3/15/18 as DK Outlet
139 Site DK Wetland Inflow NA Survey point 316 measured on 3/15/18 as DK Wetland Inflow
140 Site DB Wetland DB Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland DB
141 Site TA Wetland TA Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland TA
142 Site TB Wetland TB Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland TB
143 Site FN Wetland FN Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland FN
144 Site ND Wetland ND Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland ND
145 Site GN Wetland GN Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland GN
146 Site BB Wetland BB Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland BB
147 Site GR Wetland GR Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland GR
148 Site FR Wetland FR Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland FR
149 Site GB Wetland GB Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland GB
150 Site JU Wetland JU Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland JU
151 Site NB Wetland NB Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland NB
152 Site JB Wetland JB Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland JB
153 Site JC Wetland JC Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland JC
154 Site JA Wetland JA Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland JA
155 Site NS Wetland NS Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland NS
156 Site SB Wetland SB Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland SB
157 Site DF Wetland DF Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland DF
158 Site QB Wetland QB Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland QB
159 Site TI Wetland TI Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland TI
160 Site DK Wetland DK Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland DK
161 Site AP Wetland AP Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland AP
162 Site GP Wetland GP Parent site of all sampling features associated with wetland GP
127 Site Tracer Catchment Outlet NA Survey point 295 measured on 3/15/18 as NA Catchment Outlet Well
166 Site DO water isotope sampling site delete this site later
167 Site DW water isotope sampling site delete this site later
168 Site ML water isotope sampling site delete this site later
169 Site P1 water isotope sampling site delete this site later
170 Site TM water isotope sampling site delete this site later
171 Site JA or JB water isotope sampling site delete this site later
172 Site JB or JA water isotope sampling site delete this site later
602 Site BB SC-C NA BB soil chamber C not surveyed
1412 Site Denver NA NA
17 Site TA Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 40 measured on 3/13/18 as TA Well Center
33 Site TB Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 88 measured on 3/13/18 as TB Wetland Well
35 Site Tiger Paw Catchment Outlet NA Survey point 90 measured on 3/13/18 as NA Catchment Outlet Well
37 Site FN Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 92 measured on 3/13/18 as FN Wetland Well
41 Site P-26 Deep Well NA Survey point 96 measured on 3/13/18 as NA TNC Deep Well
55 Site ND Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 110 measured on 3/13/18 as ND Wetland Well
59 Site GN Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 141 measured on 3/13/18 as GN Upland Well
68 Site BB Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 152 measured on 3/14/18 as BB Upland Well
73 Site BB Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 157 measured on 3/14/18 as BB Center Well
75 Site Mikey Likey Catchment Outlet NA Survey point 174 measured on 3/14/18 as NA Mikey Like Outlet
86 Site GB Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 212 measured on 3/14/18 as GB Wetland Well
88 Site JU Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 214 measured on 3/14/18 as JU Wetland Well
89 Site NB Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 216 measured on 3/15/18 as NB Wetland Well
92 Site JB Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 219 measured on 3/15/18 as JB Wetland Well
95 Site JC Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 222 measured on 3/15/18 as JC Wetland Well
96 Site JC Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 223 measured on 3/15/18 as JC Upland Well
97 Site JA Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 224 measured on 3/15/18 as JA Wetland Well
100 Site Jones Road North Catchment Outlet NA Survey point 227 measured on 3/15/18 as NA Catchment Outlet Well
101 Site Denver Catchment Outlet NA Survey point 228 measured on 3/15/18 as NA Catchment Outlet Well
102 Site DV Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 229 measured on 3/15/18 as NA Wetland Well
104 Site SB Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 231 measured on 3/15/18 as SB Wetland Well
105 Site DF Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 232 measured on 3/15/18 as DF Wetland Well
107 Site QB Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 234 measured on 3/15/18 as QB Wetland Well - Shallow
108 Site QB Wetland Well Deep NA Survey point 235 measured on 3/15/18 as QB Wetland Well - Deep
121 Site Jones Road South Catchment Outlet NA Survey point 270 measured on 3/15/18 as NA Catchment Outlet Well
136 Site DK Wetland Well Shallow NA Survey point 304 measured on 3/15/18 as DK Wetland Well
4 Site DB Upland Well 1 NA Survey point 2 measured on 3/13/18 as DB Upland Well