methods <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM odm2.methods")
methodid methodtypecv methodcode methodname methoddescription methodlink organizationid
1 Specimen collection waterisotopefield water isotope sample collection Collect water sample without headspace for water isotopes NA NA
3 Specimen analysis waterisotopelab Picarro L1102-i D-18O and D-D ratios measured using a cavity ringdown spectroscopic liquid water laser isotope analyzer (Picarro L1102-i) in the Virginia Tech Water Quality Lab housed within the Biological Systems Engineering Department. NA NA
5 Instrument deployment soilmoistureTDR Soil moisture measurement Point measurement of soil moisture using TDR probe with 1.5 inch probes NA NA
7 Specimen collection SC Soil chamber gas sampling Collect a 30ml gas sample from a static soil chamber NA NA
8 Specimen collection air Collect gas air sample Collect a sample of air such as for headspace sampling NA NA
9 Specimen collection HS Collect headspace dissolved gas sample Collect a sample of dissolved gas from water using headspace equilibration technique. Concurrently taken air sample should be noted as a related samplingfeature. NA NA
10 Specimen collection FC Floating chamber gas sampling Collect a 30ml gas sample from a floating chamber for gas exchange measurements NA NA
11 Specimen collection bubbles Bubble gas sampling Collect gas produced from ebullition. Note in action annotation if natural or forced ebullition from stomping. NA NA
12 Specimen analysis GC SRI Gas Chromatograph CH4 and CO2 peak areas measured using an SRI Gas Chromatograph in the University of Maryland Palmer Lab housed within the Plant Sciences and Landscape Architecture Department. NA NA
13 Instrument deployment ATMOS22 Sonic anemometer deployment Continuous measurement of wind speed, direction, and gust speed using ATMOS-22 sonic anemometer. NA NA
14 Instrument deployment SonicAnemometer SonicAnemometer NA NA NA
15 Instrument deployment soilmoisture soilmoisture NA NA NA
16 Specimen collection test field method test field method NA NA NA
17 Specimen analysis test lab method test lab method NA NA NA
19 Specimen analysis test second lab method test second lab method NA NA NA
27 Specimen analysis LOI Loss on Ignition (Sparks 1996) NA NA NA
28 Specimen analysis Wm Gravimetric water content (%) NA NA NA
29 Specimen analysis Soil pH-CaCl2 Soil pH-CaCl2 NA NA NA
31 Specimen collection Collected two 30-cm soil cores w/ Oakfield probe Collected two 30-cm soil cores w/ Oakfield probe NA NA NA