This is an initial attemmt at compiling the data. Future work includes: 1. Developing more rigorous QAQC procedures 2. Implimenting said procedures 3. Increasing the spead of the database upload…[right now it took over 7.5 hours!]
## Warning in dir.create(paste0(working_dir, "intermediate")): '//nfs/palmer-
## group-data/Choptank/Nate/PT_Data/20171020_Downloads/intermediate' already
## exists
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date. #1) Removed data before September 2017 at 8:00 AM. This data was collected before the sonde was deployed.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date. 1) The offset seems to be wrong here. [maybe this was a bad measurement?] 2) removed initial
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date. Note, we used Mikey Likey as the baro logger in the initial deployment. I want to check it against another [local?] baro troll to mkae sure this is ok…
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date. #1) Removed data before 9-27-2017 06:20 AM when logger was deployed.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date. 1. There is a shift in early augst that needs to be dealt with! :)
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date. 1. There is a shift in early augst that needs to be dealt with! :)
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date.
This is preliminary data and will undergo more rigurous QAQC at a later date.